
Tribal Revolution

Zoe Jakes' House of Tarot, photo The Dancers Eye Last month we traveled to Chicago to vend at a new festival (new to us, they've been going for 13 years). Tribal Revolution is [...]

Looking Back Looking Forward

The end of the year is the time for looking back and looking forward. We had a challenging year, but lessons were learned and beautiful things and experiences were made. Here are a few: 2016 [...]

Dragoncon 2016: the Best Yet

fam selfie late night Dragoncon We had the most stressful pre-con prep ever, but also the most fun of any Dragoncon yet. Such a roller coaster but we're glad we went, once again. [...]

DragonCon Connections

Wow, what a whirl! There is nothing like DragonCon. More people, more hotels, more genres, more costumes, more lines…than any other con I know of. We got to connect up with five of our customers [...]

2024-02-05T14:01:49-05:00September 18th, 2015|Categories: Cosplay, Events, Travel|Tags: , , , , , , , , |


Here's what's up at Organic Armor - Saturday, July 23, 2016:
New website in process! That means this (old) site has missing pictures and navigation issues. We are also having email delays. But it's going to be super beautiful SOON so if you can't find something, please check back in a day or two!

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