We are wrapping up some end of the year projects, including three elegant Queen of the Damned headdresses, each with unique coloring and motifs.
Over the holiday we are heading down to Florida for some family time and will be hooking up with The Mertailor while we’re there!
Looking forward to seeing his beautiful mermaid and merman tails. I hope we will be doing a collaborative photo shoot with them in 2014.
Speaking of wonderful mer culture – we will be vending at the 1st annual NC Merfest in Cary, NC on January 4th and 5th.
We’ve recently revived our twitter account and invite you to follow us @organicarmor. The content is a little different from Facebook. We’re sharing behind the scenes pics, links to artists we like, quirky retweets…
AND, drum roll please, check back on this blog early Wednesday for a very SPECIAL SALE announcement!