
Sonoran Muses: Mer-wear in Mexico

Castle of Shells headdress We are working with Emily Jones of Sonoran Muses on a wonderful photo shoot taking place right now in San Carlos, Mexico: Las Sirenas Portrait Retreat. San Carlos is [...]

Gifts for Burners & Freaks, pt. 4 – Calendars

We all need a calendar right? Well, maybe not anymore with all your data stored in your phone (till you drop it in a river). But they are small, cheap works of art and can [...]

DIY Halloween: Togapunk*

I've been speculating that ancient Greek, Roman and Egyptian wear will be the next steampunk. The fashion pendulum usually swings between excessive detail (i.e Steampunk) and simpler, classic lines. But the ancient Mediterraneans had more than nicely draped bodies going for them in the fashion department.

Great Connects at ConCarolina

We returned last night from Charlotte, where we spent the weekend at ConCarolinas. Met some talented folks there who welcomed us warmly. It wasn't a great weekend for sales though. I think our prices were [...]


Here's what's up at Organic Armor - Saturday, July 23, 2016:
New website in process! That means this (old) site has missing pictures and navigation issues. We are also having email delays. But it's going to be super beautiful SOON so if you can't find something, please check back in a day or two!

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