
Equinox House Cleaning

We are making room for the new! One new thing is the Horned Headdress online course. We're making prototypes and planning the steps now for a video shoot in October. Hopefully the course will be [...]

2024-02-05T14:01:44-05:00September 22nd, 2017|Categories: Gift ideas, new shop listing, teaching|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

DragonCon 2014 Wrap-up

Mass Maleficent Selfie We had a great time at DragonCon, one of the largest cons in the US. Held in downtown Atlanta, it is a multi-genre con and quite a force of nature. [...]

Belly Dance Videos

We have made several gorgeous belly dance costume sets this year. In the last week two of our customers have shared videos of themselves dancing in the Organic Armor. First up is Jaydee Amrita Copperfield. [...]


Here's what's up at Organic Armor - Saturday, July 23, 2016:
New website in process! That means this (old) site has missing pictures and navigation issues. We are also having email delays. But it's going to be super beautiful SOON so if you can't find something, please check back in a day or two!

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