photo43We have made several gorgeous belly dance costume sets this year. In the last week two of our customers have shared videos of themselves dancing in the Organic Armor.

First up is Jaydee Amrita Copperfield. She lives in the UK but came to Tribalfest 13 in Sebastopol, CA last month. She had commissioned an Akasha style headdress, armbands and a necklace of skulls like the Hindu goddess Kali wears. She ended up wearing it as a belt which looked great. Here is her fierce and beautiful dance:







If the embed is not working, watch it here

She had these kind words to say about our work:

“As a tribal Bellydancer I often wear very heavy costuming and head pieces. I found this all too often weighed me down on my performance and restricted my range of movement, even becoming off putting at times. The best thing about Organic Armor’s work is that not only are they beautiful beyond words but they are so light and secure to dance in I forget I am wearing them at all. They are comfortable and my very large headdress is even secure enough to do deep laybacks in without worrying about it falling off or straining my neck for weight. They give an authentic heavy metal look without the weight and strain of genuine metals and the flexibility of the latex allows for a full range of motion. I highly recommend their services!”

The second video comes from Badia of Sacramento, CA. She ordered an egyptian themed bra, belt and headdress set with serpents a few monthes ago. Wearing it, she won 1st Runner-up in the Taksim (improvisation) competition at the Bellydancer of the Universe show in Long Beach, CA.

Here is her graceful, award-winning dance:

If the embed is not working watch it here

See more Akasha/Queen of the Damned style crowns here and here; and more Egyptian themed costuming here and here.

