DragonCon 2014 Wrap-up
Mass Maleficent Selfie We had a great time at DragonCon, one of the largest cons in the US. Held in downtown Atlanta, it is a multi-genre con and quite a force of nature. [...]
Mass Maleficent Selfie We had a great time at DragonCon, one of the largest cons in the US. Held in downtown Atlanta, it is a multi-genre con and quite a force of nature. [...]
We traveled down to Atlanta to Anachrocon last Sunday. The last day of a con is usually low key but we were glad to get a taste of the event. I'm not sure [...]
Steampunk pasties, photo by Dim Horizon Studio Matt Nicholson, a photographer friend from Georgia, recently shot these lovely pictures of K wearing our new steampunk pasties. Nice huh? We'll be seeing him next [...]
It's week 3 of my DIY Halloween tip series. Today I will list some mammoth crafting sites containing many tutorials, galleries, groups, resource lists.Much of it can be useful for costumers.
We had a good time at our first anime convention, MomoCon. It was held at Georgia Tech in Atlanta last weekend. We drove down and back on Sunday (3.5 hours each way) which made for [...]