Sassy Steampunk
Our collaborations with Tempus Fugit Design have been many and wonderful but this one might be my favorite so far! Our Medusa steampunk corset was set off so well, worn by the adorable Masha Bochuk, [...]
Our collaborations with Tempus Fugit Design have been many and wonderful but this one might be my favorite so far! Our Medusa steampunk corset was set off so well, worn by the adorable Masha Bochuk, [...]
It's been a year since we launched our online course! It is now humming along with cool people from all over the world (7 countries so far) creating a variety of beautiful costumes and other [...]
We've made two fabulous custom top hats in the last couple of weeks. The first featured a tree design with a blue all-seeing eye and tiny horns. The flared shape gives it a dapper flair. [...]
We finished a set of pauldrons and an octopus eyepatch for a steampunk pirate yesterday. They were packed up quick and are now winging their way to NorWesCon, a sci-fi and fantasy convention in Seattle, [...]
The snake entwined steampunk style corset has generated a lot of buzz! It is a commission for a customer's Halloween costume. Here are some photos of the finished product. These photos were taken by a [...]
Two years ago I gathered a wide variety of tutorials together for a month of blog posts about DIY Halloween costumes, from burlesque to zombies, Star Wars to steampunk. I recently realized that [...]
We've got a lot of custom orders for Halloween this year, more than ever before. After the steampunk corset went viral on Facebook, we got orders for 3 of them. We are working on two [...]
We've been quieter than usual online lately. It's taking a lot of time to catch up on custom orders. Here is an amazing top hat in progress, made for our favorite Steampunk Overlord in the [...]
Well, we're back from CA. It was a wonderful trip - so good to see old friends and meet new ones. The Temple of Visions Burning Trunk Show and Prepare for the Playa [...]
Wow! This is now one of my all time favorite OA pictures (as of 5 minutes ago when Ray at Red Rayven Photography posted it). The model is the talented Mena Mona Killough, [...]