Merry Mary’s EL-wire antlers
The Intro course participants are really some quality folks! I couldn’t be more pleased with my interactions with them. They are creative in such diverse ways, and very supportive of each other.
Several of them have begun to expand their Organic Armor Arts skills beyond the intial armband project with great results. I wanted to share one project in particular (with permission of course).
Well, we didn’t try to make antlers for years after developing this art form, but our students are bold! Merry Mary was inspired to make a set for a “Magical Forest” themed New Year’s Eve party (event deadlines are what make stuff happen in the costuming world, right?).
She started with a base of tinfoil and built up the surface with lots of cord. When Paul first started experimenting with OA he used tin foil as a base too. It’s lightweight, cheap and maleable.
Mary was excited about how they looked and suddenly thought, “I could make the project even MORE AWESOME by pulling out the aluminum foil and running lights inside the antlers because wouldn’t that be cool?!”
So she painstakingly pulled out the foil. There were some floppyness issues but she solved them with wire. Then she ran EL wire inside (BTW we love Cool Neon as a source for that). As she told us in the Facebook group “This step required a lot of patience and finagling. Definitely did a little victory dance once that was finally done.”

Merry Mary’s Antlers in process
Her conclusion “All in all, I call this experiment a WIN!”
So do I. I love how she jumped right in, powered by ingenuity and inspiration. This is exactly how Paul figured out all this stuff. You make mistakes, learn from them, do it again.
Hooray Merry Mary, thank you for sharing.