Detail of a Lunar Headdress
More uncategorizable goodies from my month of gleanings, as well as some follow ups:
No dearth of Darth c/o Weburbanist
Instructables tute for a very large costume – a Power Loader. It’s the machine that Ripley used to defeat the monster queen in Aliens (the 2nd one).
Another movie prop – make a Ghostbusters proton pack with real red and green lasers!
Nine Executed People who would make interesting characters to costume
I like this idea: Glove corset on Etsy. Speaking of Etsy, I’ve discovered how fun it is to make an Etsy treasury. Kind of like sharing a window shopping experience. I made a steampunk treasury and a costume one.
Make an EL wire panel that can be attached to a costume or right to skin More about EL wire here.
Do you need an alien style wig?
You’ve heard of teeth whitening, well zombies prefer teeth darkening.
Follow up on the wing making post – here’s an in-depth feathered wing tute, and one for demon wings.
Can’t believe I didn’t include hooves in my footwear post.
I talked about making armor in the cosplay post, here are a few more links:
Halo armor from Indie Mogul
Car repair resin can be used for casting – see this mask tutorial
Another good place to get feathers (see Showgirl headresses for more)
Cool prop gun tute from MAKE. More prop weapon links here.
Monday I’ll post the last piece in this series. It will be my own tutorial – a step by step guide to making a Halloween costume!