cool neon

{Re}Happening Firefly

In April of this year Paul designed an electrified firefly costume for the {Re}HAPPENING. This event pays tribute to the groundbreaking innovations of the Black Mountain College community of artists (people like Buckminster Fuller, Merce [...]

2024-02-05T14:01:55-05:00November 25th, 2013|Categories: Asheville area, Custom, Video|Tags: , , , , , , |

DIY Halloween: EL wire & Light FX

  What is EL Wire? Electroluminescent wire (often abbreviated to EL wire) is a thin copper wire coated in a phosphor which glows when an alternating current is applied to it. I first saw it [...]


Here's what's up at Organic Armor - Saturday, July 23, 2016:
New website in process! That means this (old) site has missing pictures and navigation issues. We are also having email delays. But it's going to be super beautiful SOON so if you can't find something, please check back in a day or two!

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