Just a quick post, as we are getting ready to fly to California for a couple of shows. Looking forward to seeing our Prepare for the Playa friends again:
Sunday, Aug. 5th, noon to 7 pm
at Cafe Cocomo
650 Indiana St.
San Francisco, CA 94107
There will be a show in Los Angeles too but the details on that are still being worked out.
This belly dance set has generated a lot of buzz lately. The wonderful photos by Winterwolf Studios certainly help! The model was Erin Jade, and the makeup artist was Ruby Randall.
We’ve been wanting to do a Cleopatra/Isis type costume for about 4 years, but there was always something else that took priority. Paul sculpted a scarab last winter and it started appearing on belts and hats. Then a customer requested an Egyptian themed dance set.
When we do custom pieces we ask the customers to send us reference material, and if they can, sketches of their ideas. Mina’s sketch was great, she’s an illustrator by trade. The new set is named for her.
I love the coiling snakes, the dangle-y bits and the stripes emphasizing the curves. The colors are beautiful too. We’ve really expanded our palette this year, again thanks to our customers pushing us to grow creatively!
See you on the west coast!