We’re back from the Northeast. Had a wonderful time in NY/CT/MA. Went to a beautiful barefoot beach wedding on Fire Island. Hand delivered some custom Organic Armor to a new customer. Made a great connection with Gothic Renaissance, “New York City’s most renowned Gothic Boutique”. They are now carrying our work!
We also ate a LOT of good food and hung out with old friends and family.
We visited two great collections of medieval and renaissance armor: the one at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in NYC, and the one at the Higgins Armory in Worcester, MA. The Higgins is a hidden treasure in central Mass. Four floors covering the Trojan war to the early 20th century.
The time and money that went into making the classic Knight’s armor in the old days was amazing. It could take years and cost the equivalent of $75,000. When you study it up close, you understand why.

Conch shaped helmet from Africa, Higgins Armory

LOL, Armor for small dog, Higgins Armory