Well, it’s all in there at last. Almost 100 items for sale in our beautiful new Shopp with two P’s (that’s the WordPress widget we used to build it, very nice tool). Here are three pieces I would like to show off:
Ashley modeled this fun hat back in August at Prepare for the Playa, a pre-Burning Man marketplace in San Francisco. We sold out of them fast, but we’ll make one to order in about 3 weeks.
One of the new line of filagree circlets. At only 49.00 you can get one for a friend too, or add on one of our new sexy chokers . We have several in stock.
This showpiece also premiered at Prepare for the Playa three months ago. Chris modeled it in the fashion show. Made completely with Paul’s new filagree technique, it is regal and will make a big impression (think Mardi Gras…).
Thanks for looking. What you think? Leave us a comment.