
5 Reasons to Make Your Halloween Costume Out of Organic Armor

liquid latex is the magic ingredient If you are a DIY kind of Halloween person, I invite you to consider the advantages of making this year's costume with the materials and methods of [...]

2024-02-05T14:01:46-05:00August 25th, 2016|Categories: courses, DIY halloween, students, teaching, Uncategorized|Tags: , , , , , , |

DIY Halloween: Sewing Historic Garb

There are 500,000+ websites related to sewing historic garb. It's overwhelming. A good place to start if you have all afternoon is (my favorite) The Costumers Manifesto.


Here's what's up at Organic Armor - Saturday, July 23, 2016:
New website in process! That means this (old) site has missing pictures and navigation issues. We are also having email delays. But it's going to be super beautiful SOON so if you can't find something, please check back in a day or two!

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