It’s that time again. In gratitude for our wonderful fans and students and customers we are offering the two online courses at half off starting Friday at 6 am through Monday at midnight EST.
The Introduction to the Organic Armor Arts course, normally $200 is $100
The Horned Headdress course (available to existing students only, email me for link) normally $100 is $50
The combination package of both is normally $300, is now $150.
Use coupon code Gratitude2018 to add these discounts in the shopping cart
Paul’s injury really brought home how incredibly lucky we are. It could have easily caused far worse damage or even killed him. Trees are f*ing heavy, even small ones! My lesson from this is don’t sweat the small stuff, and don’t waste time on stupid things (like tedious mailing list sorting, oi!). Also hug your people often!
Love you guys!